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Minibar Blues?
blog 14-10-2022
Minibar Blues?

Perhaps you know the feeling, you are alone on a (business) trip. The hotel bar is dreary. There are some people sitting alone, some couples, a sad tune sounds, the barman is lost. You decide to go to your room and have another drink from the minibar there. Do you know him the Minibar Blues? In the castle is where life bustles on after a beaut... Lire ce blog

I am leaving, may I take you with me on my journey?
blog 24-03-2022
I am leaving, may I take you with me on my journey?

I am leaving, may I take you with me on my journey?September 2021 and I was on a roadtrip through Italy. Driving around in my little car without a plan. On my own. From adventure to adventure. From place to place. From day to day.And somewhere, of course, I had to return home. To work and life in Haarlem. The work I was convinced I would do until w... Lire ce blog

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