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The holiday fun starts when you pack your suitcase
Blog 26-02-2023
The holiday fun starts when you pack your suitcase

I used to, read: until recently, pride myself on being able to pack my suitcase in 10 minutes when I travelled. Fast forward from work to the baggage carousel. Blown out in the plane seat. And arriving at the destination with a slightly undefined feeling, because totally unprepared. Taking a breath and going on an adventure.Now I am proud to take a... Read this blog

News 14-01-2023

Valentine's Day ❤️Love love love embrace love. Embrace your love. February 14 is Valentine's Day ❤️Time is the most precious thing we have. With a romantic stay at our castle, you are guaranteed quality time with your loved one.🏰
Surprise your partner with our special valentine package. Will you take your sweetheart for a minimum of 2 nights?... Read this article

Welcome 2023
Blog 09-01-2023
Welcome 2023

It's January 1. My 2022 photo book is ready. What a year. Emigrating, starting my own business, turning 50, opening a second location, twice a spicy abdominal surgery, from May the high season erupted, which lasted until December. And on January 1, my mood board 2023 is in front of me and I am looking at an almost empty January month. For a mo... Read this blog

Language? You won't fool me
Blog 05-01-2023
Language? You won't fool me

Moving to another country is 1. But continuously talking in another language is 2. In my last school report, just about every subject says: due to Mayke's great absence, we cannot assess her level. I get it. I was busy surviving. And survival is my most important life lesson. No French, maths or biology can compete with that. During all m... Read this blog

Blog 18-12-2022

Champagne... I once received a card from a friend....'There comes a time in every woman's life when the only thing that helps is a glass of champagne'My most treasured champagne moment...? I was travelling alone. Madrid. A city unknown to me. I needed to get out. To be alone, to reconnect with myself. Wandering through the streets, I ran into... Read this blog

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